TIP: It is preferable to use 1) an administration platform that automatically calculates scores, 2) the HealthMeasures Scoring Service, or 3) the Assessment Center API. These use the most accurate scoring method as each response to every item is used to calculate a person’s score. Scoring Manuals are a good second option for self- and proxy-report measures. They convert the raw sum on a measure to a final T-score.
The HealthMeasures Scoring Service is a free, web-based application that scores an Excel file of raw participant responses and returns by email a file with calculated T-scores for all measures.
Watch a brief demonstration of the HealthMeasures Scoring Service.
The Assessment Center API is a licensed web service that scores raw participant responses to produce T-scores. It also uses the most accurate scoring method (i.e., response-pattern scoring). It is installed on your desired server.
It is especially useful when:
The API can be hosted on a statistician’s computer and called as a web service from the desired statistical package for scoring.
Multiple administration platforms (e.g., REDCap, Epic) include HealthMeasures and automatically calculate scores.
TIP: Select measures labeled with “auto scored” in REDCap.
Translations of self- and proxy-report HealthMeasures use the same scoring as the English measures. Follow the same instructions for scoring using the HealthMeasures Scoring Service, an administration platform that autoscores (e.g., NIH Toolbox app in Spanish), or score by hand using the Scoring Manual.
Significant Figures
T-scores and associated Standard Errors (SE) should be reported as integers. Additional decimal places may be retained in interim computations but the reported value should be rounded to an integer to maintain the appropriate level of significant figures.
Handling Missing Data
Response pattern scoring, available in the HealthMeasures Scoring Service and automatically computed in many digital administration platforms can produce a T-score for a respondent as long as 1 item has been answered. However, for short forms with at least 4 items, a T-score may not be sufficiently precise if a respondent has answered fewer than 4 items. Depending on how the score will be used, you may want to discard the score or proceed with caution. For short forms with 1-3 items, all items should be answered to produce a sufficiently precise score.
Using a raw summed score to T-score conversion table to compute T-scores by hand requires that all items are answered in order to produce a valid score.
Calculate a Confidence Interval
Use the T-score and Standard Error (SE) to calculate a confidence interval. A 95% confidence interval is common. A 95% confidence interval means there is a 95% probability that the true T-score is within this range. The formula for a 95% confidence interval is:
For example, if T=52 and SE=2, the lower boundary of the confidence interval is (52 – (1.96*2) = 48 and the upper bound is (52 + (1.96*2) = 56.