North Carolina Employment Contract Templates

North Carolina Employment Contract Template

A North Carolina employment contract is used by employers to establish the terms and conditions of employment for a new employee. An employment contract details an employee’s responsibilities and duties as well as establishes what they will be compensated with in terms of benefits, income, and vacation time.

In North Carolina, an employment contract must have specific elements, which are an offer, an acceptance, and consideration [1] .

By Type

North Carolina Independent Contractor Agreement

Independent Contractor Agreement

Outlines the arrangement between a contractor and a client.

North Carolina Subcontractor Agreement Template

Subcontractor Agreement

Allows a contractor to dictate the work a subcontractor will complete.

North Carolina Non-Compete Agreement Template

Non-Compete Agreement

Protects company data by restricting the activities in which an employee can engage.

Hiring in North Carolina

Before you start employing workers in North Carolina and creating employment contracts, you need to know some state labor laws and requirements.

At-Will Employment

North Carolina is an at-will employment state. There are also exceptions to the at-will employment rules.


Minimum Wage ($/hour)

North Carolina doesn’t have a state-specific minimum wage, so it defaults to the federal minimum wage of $7.25/hour [2] .

All tipped employees must receive at least $2.13/hour. If they don’t earn enough tips to make the equivalent of the federal minimum wage, the employer must pay more than $2.13/hour to make up the difference [3] .

Child Labor

North Carolina requires employment certificates for minors under 18 [4] . Employment certificates can be obtained by either the North Carolina Department of Labor or the County Director of Social Services.

Age certification is not required in North Carolina.


North Carolina does not have any payday requirements. Pay frequency may be daily, weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly.

Meal and Rest Breaks

There are no minimum paid rest or meal period requirements in North Carolina.

Recordkeeping Requirements

North Carolina employers must keep certain records on file. For example, they must maintain employees’ wages/hours/payroll information for at least three years [5] . Other recordkeeping requirements include:


Download a North Carolina employment contract template in PDF or Word format below:

North Carolina Employment Contract Template

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  1. N.C.P.I. - Civil 501.01.
  2. 29 U.S.C. § 206.
  3. N.C. Department of Labor. Minimum Wage in N.C..
  4. N.C. Department of Labor. Youth Employment Certificate.
  5. 13 NCAC § 12 .0802.

North Carolina Employment Contract Template

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North Carolina Employment Contract Template

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