"The National Fire Code of Canada 2020 (NFC), together with the National Building Code of Canada 2020 (NBC), the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2020 (NECB) and the National Plumbing Code of Canada 2020 (NPC), has been developed by the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC) as an objective-based national model code that can be adopted by provincial and territorial governments. In Canada, provincial and territorial governments have the authority to enact legislation that regulates the following aspects of buildings and facilities within their jurisdictions: activities related to the construction, use or demolition of buildings and facilities; the condition of specific elements of buildings and facilities; the design or construction of specific elements of facilities related to certain hazards; and protection measures for the current or intended use of buildings This legislation may involve the adoption of the NFC without change or with modifications to suit local needs, and the enactment of other laws and regulations related to these aspects of buildings and facilities, including requirements for professional involvement. The NFC is a model code in the sense that it helps promote consistency among provincial and territorial fire codes. Persons involved in the operation of buildings or facilities should consult the provincial or territorial jurisdiction concerned to find out which fire code is applicable"--Preface, page v (first section).
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