S. 3954 (111 th ): Air Cargo Security Act

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We don’t have a summary available yet.

The summary below was written by the Congressional Research Service, which is a nonpartisan division of the Library of Congress, and was published on Nov 17, 2010.

Air Cargo Security Act - Directs the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) to establish a system for the screening and inspecting of all cargo transported in domestic and foreign all-cargo aircraft, including in intrastate air transportation, to ensure the security of such aircraft. Requires such systems to meet minimum standards that ensure equipment, technology, procedures, or personnel used for screening cargo provide a level of security commensurate with the security level for screening passenger checked baggage.

Directs the Secretary to: (1) establish a system for regularly screening and inspecting shipments of cargo transported in air transportation, including intrastate air transportation, at shipping facilities to ensure that appropriate security controls, systems, and protocols are observed; and (2) enter into arrangements with civil aviation authorities of foreign countries to ensure the regular screening and inspecting at shipping facilities in such countries of such cargo transported by air to the United States.

Authorizes the Secretary to increase the number of air cargo inspectors to carry out such screenings and inspections.

Directs the Secretary to establish a training and evaluation program for all individuals who handle air cargo to ensure that such cargo is properly handled and safeguarded from security breaches.

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