Verifying information flow properties of firmware using symbolic execution

Authors : Pramod Subramanyan , Sharad Malik , Hareesh Khattri , Abhranil Maiti , Jason Fung Authors Info & Claims

Pages 337 - 342 Published : 14 March 2016 Publication History 5 citation 276 Downloads Total Citations 5 Total Downloads 276 Last 12 Months 28 Last 6 weeks 10 Get Citation Alerts

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Verifying security requirements of the firmware in contemporary system-on-chip (SoC) designs is a critical challenge. There are two main difficulties in addressing this problem. Security properties like confidentiality and integrity cannot be specified with commonly-used property specification schemes like assertion-based verification/linear temporal logic (LTL). Second, firmware interacts closely with other hardware and firmware which may be untrusted/malicious and their behavior has to be correctly modelled for the verification to be sound and complete.

In this paper, we propose an approach to verify firmware security properties using symbolic execution. We introduce a property specification language for information flow properties of firmware which intuitively captures the requirements of confidentiality and integrity. We also propose an algorithm based on symbolic execution to verify these properties. Evaluation on a commercial SoC design uncovered a complex security bug missed by simulation-based testing.


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