When God writes your love story : the ultimate approach to guy/girl relationships

Introduction: Leslie -- The awakening -- The author of romance -- Giving God the pen -- Eric: The babes and the big egos : the day I made my choice -- Eric : The sweeter song : a generation's longing for a better kind of love -- Eric: Who's captain of your love boat? : laying the foundation for a God-written love story -- Leslie: Rules vs. relationship : discovering the beauty of God's pattern -- The art of faithfulness -- Loving your spouse even before you ever meet -- Eric: Get a love life : what faithfulness really looks like -- Leslie: A forever kind of love : romance that's more than a feeling -- Leslie: Beyond technical virginity : a female angle on protecting what's sacred -- The training ground -- Practical preparation for a God-written love story -- Eric: Romantic heroism : a skill to learn long before the wedding vows -- Leslie: Can the sweeter song be a solo? : the pain and purpose of singleness -- Leslie: Holding out for a fairy tale : how high should we set our hopes? -- Eric: Home sweet home : the ultimate test of true love -- Eric: The secret to winning a heart : the best training ground for romance -- Leslie: Playing for keeps : how to pick a winning team -- Happily ever after -- Finding a real-life fairy tale in the midst of modern reality -- Leslie: Too late? : a glimmer of hope in a world of lost virginity -- Eric: Against the tide : gaining real backbone in the midst of a spineless generation -- Epilogue: Leslie: After "I do" : the beauty of a God-written marriage

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