Graduate Assistantships

A number of graduate assistantships are available each year on a competitive basis for outstanding graduate students. Normally, students are on half-time assistantships which specify 20 hours of responsibility per week. However, some students may be on quarter-time (10 hours) assistantships. The assistantships are for two-semesters (Fall and Spring) and students must maintain a 3.0 GPA and must be registered for no less than 9 and no more than 12 credits per semester. Students will receive a monthly stipend plus a grant-in-aid for tuition. Assistantships are not available for Summer semester.

For more information, visit the Graduate Asistanship Fact Sheet. We recommend that you send in your application by January 5th for Fall semester of the same academic year you are applying.

Students who are currently on assistantships in the program and wish to reapply for an assistantship need to complete their application by January 15th. Please be sure to include an updated resume with your application.

To be considered for a graduate assistantship in the ADTED Program, applicants must exhibit satisfactory academic progress. Examples of unsatisfactory progress include, but are not limited to, excessive or longstanding deferred grades (incompletes), GPA below 3.0 for all Penn State graduate courses and below 3.5 for ADTED courses, and unsatisfactory prior performance as an ADTED GA or as a GA in another Penn State unit (if applicable). Applicants will be asked to provide a brief explanation for extenuating circumstances, if any, that may have hindered their academic progress (e.g., reasons for incomplete grades or low GPA).

The rubric that faculty use to assess applicants for ADTED Assistantships includes (but is not limited to) the following information: